Nuclear Power Plant of Flamanville
Etudes (2006-2010) : spectres de plancher, stabilité sismique de la station de pompage
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Nuclear Power Plant of Flamanville
Etudes (2006-2010) : spectres de plancher, stabilité sismique de la station de pompage
Seismic survey of more than 500 equipments
Geodynamics and Structure participates in research projects at European level
Study of the risk of liquefaction and analysis of the consequences on the foundations
Influence of adjacent structures on SSI site response, Comparison of impedance functions with and without consideration of surrounding structures.
Seismic behavior study of the installation - seismic alea, diagnosis, reassessment of buildings
EPR UK - Calculation of spectra transferred to galleries: Wave propagation, 2D model to finite elements, Consideration of neighboring buildings
Seismic behavior study of the installation - seismic alea, diagnosis, reassessment of buildings
Seismic studies at the CHERBOURG military port: HOMET and CACHIN area
Technical specifications, slope slope studies, calculation of foundation stiffness, static and dynamic stiffness of foundations, pumping simulations, geotechnical and stability studies
APS and APD studies to demonstrate the feasibility of a building's infrastructure on earthquake-resistant supports
Prediction of the long-term behavior of 900MWe speakers in the event of an accident
Seismic study of the pumping station, calculations of stability and reinforcement of the gabionade, seismic studies of the reject structures
Modeling and analysis of the wiring of a dome
Geotechnical study, liquefaction study, stability study, pre-dimensioning
Study of earthquake resistance
Uranium enrichment plant to replace the former one, at the Tricastin site
Etudes : depuis 2003
Client : SET/AREVA
Photovoltaic plants
Construction de la Tour Odéon à Monaco (170m - 49 étages)
Impedances, calculation of the displacements of the nailed wall facing, seismic response of the slopes of the excavation
Study of the depots of Jarry and Raizet in Guadeloupe
Création de deux nouveaux terminaux à conteneurs sur les bassins ouest du port autonome de Marseille.
Terminal méthanier
Coastal structures seismic stability study taking into account soil liquefaction phenomena (ILE LONGUE, FRANCE)
Construction du tunnel ferrovaire reliant les parties européennes et asiatique d'Istanbul à travers le Bosphore (projet Marmara)
Beyound Design Seismic Study of Internal Structures of TRICASTIN NPP
Pont haubanné traversant la baie de Masan pour relier Pusan
EIP (Multipurpose Intermediate Storage) of MARCOULE
Design of the foundation system of the Rion bridge on a seismic zone in Greece